PHIRE | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Poetic Hustler Illustrating Reality Everyday! #FollowMe

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Views: 262
How did i come, to the point of tournishing art Please know that i too, have scars on my heart What to me was a masterpiece is now destroyed Thought this would be special and to me forever enjoyed Scarring is said to be, a natural part of healing The story behind each one, is the part not appealing My masterpiece, a piece of art, a beauty of sort Memories will last forever but our time is cut short Noticeable my wounds are not, but i too am hurt For what i have done, my feelings i can't avert The scars are special they show where i have been My taj mahal, my mona lisa, my wall of berlin No longer the artist, none of my work should survive The scars gradually fade, the masterpiece i want to revive So i devote my time to recreate, my greatest composition If I leave not a masterpiece, take my life as remission.....

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