Today I woke with a pain extreme.
I could hardly feel it, so intolerable.
This day, today was a novocaine noon,
yet again.
As was yesterday,
as will be tomorrow.
This dawn I cried last night's liquor away.
Noose hung over atop my window sill,
the shadow of a smile dangling.
Rigor mortis just minutes ahead.
Today, this day is one in which I'll fall yet another step behind.
As was yesterday,
as will be tomorrow.
Tonight's the night she'll mean not the world,
but at least a square mile to me.
And I'll travel the stars in the clouds we exhale together,
this lady and I.
Higher than high and she'll pass the dutchie to the side on which I sit,
as I shall for her.
Today, a stoner day.
As was yesterday,
as will be tomorrow.
Will tomorrow be?
No way of knowing.
The value of X,
lays upon the potential awakening of a morning after.