SoFloetic | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
When I write I feel free........LIMITLESS

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Absence of Poetry


just different

Views: 441
For a brief moment we grew apart I missed you so much I don't know where to start I have so much to tell you So many feelings to share I felt lost with you not being there My mind was filled with so many thoughts Lost in my head with no place to go A manifestation of hopes and dreams I thought I lost you forever That's how it seemed ALTHOUGH I felt you in my heart I just don't know It's like the words just wouldn't flow I put the pen to my paper Staring at a black page I couldn't express myself No progress for days Without you present I didn't feel like myself I didn't feel SoFloeticAndFree Yet somehow someway you have found me And once again my pen can flow free So floetically So poetically There is no stopping me You enviably motivate me To paint a picture with words Expressing myself so vividly I hope I never again have to experience the absence of poetry

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royale jones says:

I love it! I know the feeling so well. Great piece.

mrmelody7 says:

Very calm and floetic
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

I easily relate to this. thanks for the share

DallasCowgirl says:

Very real. Thank you for sharing.

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