MellanatedAngel | Poetry Vibe
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Getting back to it

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I Am Home


just different

Views: 402

The vibration of my words leaves sensation in my verbs

My nouns are more pronounced as the sound waves continue to bounce

I am in the realm of the unseen yet all is felt

Conscious connectedness blesses me with its presence

My adjectives live and become more vivid, with one pivot of my voice

The rotation of my voice swings back around to me

Now, sound I see

Inexplicable to you but natural to me

I feel my language. This is my new language

I write my poems with sound, so you can feel me

My mood surrounds you as what I think you experience

I am Formless, Weightless,

Boundless, Soundless here

I am home


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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Tight work! Welcome home

mrmelody7 says:

well crafted delightful and unique expressions

MellanatedAngel says:

Thank you both! :) appreciate the feedback

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DallasCowgirl says:

Feeling this!

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