Princess | Poetry Vibe
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'Act like a lady, Think like a man, perform like an assassin'

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Dedicated to ... Bestfriends


just different

Views: 231


Sometimes I feel lucky because when I'm low I know 
I know that there is someone I could lean on 
No one understands how right bill withers was when he wrote that 
But there's so many people out there jealous yu see 
cos they don't have the power or the patients to find those who can be as close to yu as that one person
But look and see who actually wants to befriend such ones 
Those who lie 
Those who deceive 
And those who don't have the same patients you behold wen listening
No I mean Hearing the weeping 
and holding the fragile body when in distress 
The person yu can spend months on end not saying a single word 
But wen face to face the words flow 
Not from the mouth 
Not from the mind 
But from the heart
Yu know yu will never befriend another human being like this but god 
Like the way yu have befriended them
Yu are there for them 
Put that shoe on their foot and they will do the same 
I don't think yu will understand if yu don't have yu a bae 
Don't take that the wrong way 
Cause I don't mean it that way 
This person puts yu first wen yu are placing yourself in harms way
No judgments blown in your face 
No pity stares cos they know how much yu hate it 
That's the thing they know yu cos they take the time to understand you
And even if yu tell lies they don't put yu on blast
But allow yu to live your fantasy 
But dnt take me wrong they will slap the sense into yu wen yu take it to far
But hey yu don't know cos yu ain't got yu one of them 
Yu ain't got that one fool to be stupid with  
And pull a funny face and get one back 
Listen to the complain bwt the same dude day in and out 
Even if it is bwt shiz 
But that's why we are called best friends.
Or in other words Baez 

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scash102 says:

True friendship can do alot for people n creates better envirenvironment. Wonderful poem.

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