Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Savant Entente


just different

Views: 251
Savant Entente Cosmic teaching College agreement breaching Beseeching logics preaching Increasing lucid dreaming Speaking while teaching Rather than stay lathered In putrid scheming Alien deity fleecing demons Secreting secrets From aether regions Strategic behemoth Releasing secret secretions Bleeding through spirit regions While pleading with alien demons To concede to their defeat Before they're even defeated By expediently decreasing Their breathing While having them releasing An increased screaming Taking a beating From pineal thoughts fleeting Serpentine lost lord deceiving Yet paradoxically grieving Encompassed by cosmic logic Dropping knowledge To prod then open optics Through a gnostics coptics Activating the hypophysis Through cosmic hypothesis And pineal lock switch Lingual spiritual glock twitch Enriching minds With alien titanium cranium finds Binding the blind While defining the SUBlime Politely pouring through Prolific prose contritely Despite he's A highly admirable General-admiral Briefing and meeting With an incredibly potent leader Leading with an affable greeting Speaking with incredulous feeling Easing into enemy scheming Retrieving 'Word Fleecings' Like bold words unsold And untold, but so cold freezing Increasing deceitful grievance Expecting a highway to healing Remaining a sane High octane occupant Didactic denizen with meaning Toward truth FORever leaning Potentially incrementally pleasing The needy, of their needing Without sacrificial screaming And pleading Loss of beseeching While teaching Never 'EVERY1 pleasing' Seven times three in me Equals twenty one eyes seeing With the need for tongue sheathing To no longer repeat weeping Truth seeping and seizing Collapsing and vaporous steaming Rather than facetious Banter and seething NOW AWAKE yet was once exhausted from always sleeping Nomore slumber in mattress numbers Toward infinity I'm infinitely reaching Indiscriminately speaking My thoughts diligently tweaking Creatively crescendo peaking Forever star trekking While with tricks I'm always treating My voice 'BOX' I'm always 'Beating' Secretly secreting The passion through action For which my heart is beating Consciously currently conceding It's time to end the reign Of such a bizarre czar Dropping bars from afar On par, a supernova star In our cosmic omnibus car I wont say that he's retiring But I'm temporarily retreating Yes, it's difficult and hard To place our signature on the card! ~elm~

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royale jones says:

Wild ride through lyrics good write.

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