PoeticallyGifted | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6700
contest winner
been gone for about 5 months. ive written a lot. but i felt compelled to share my new piece "The Heart's Deception".

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Sweet Dreams



Views: 356

we’re so happy in my dreams

i hate having to wake up to reality

because in the realm of my subconsciousness

we’re lost and overwhelmed with happiness

that’s why i hate waking up

because reality just hits me in the face

the happiness quickly fades away

recently these dreams have started occurring almost every night

i love them, and i hate them

i hate my mind for creating them,

for creating these perfect scenarios

ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous

the thoughts of you come out to play

even in my subconscious state

my dreams are not something i can control,

they’re unavoidable

the dreams give me a false reality, of what could be

i can’t act like all that we’re capable of being is “just friends”

because the only reason these dreams are “sweet” is because you’re in them


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royale jones says:

Niiiice lovely write. Straight art!

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