catmartan | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 38800
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Today's Introduction



Views: 383

Let me introduce Today , paint a smile , with a twist , give a hug , receive a kiss , watch the sunrise , wave the man in the moon goodbye , lay in a bed of day lilies , fetch a pale of water like a hillbilly , smile in the mirror and look silly , smell the Coffee's flavor , tip across the dew , get the Morning's paper , to celebrate a new day , I have never seen , what will be Today's offerings , a new Hello or a new Goodbye , a brand new failure , a brand new cry , yes or no and questions Why ? , let's Welcome Today and Today's surprise.

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Devonte7638 says:

Nice way to start a day

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sseawright93 says:

Wow. What an amazing poem! It really captures the wonder of a new day.

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catmartan says:

Thank you !

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