2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 327200
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Green to Gold



Views: 434

Young bud sprouts from out of a true love’s mouth


Quickening in the time of revolutionary aspects 2b


Raised on waves of good vibrations incoming sensations


As the hue of reality is decidedly green…..




Rhythmic waddling has me knowing not what is 2b


Yet my brown roots keep me secure and happy in me


Nurtured by living water in thoughts and coincidence


Maintenance through chastising events fostering growth




Burgeoning branches wafting in winds reveling in variety


High off of societies’ sub-culture influencing 2b contain


Temporarily stunted from stalks outgrowing cracks in street


Cool breeze always signals an ending in reason




Seasoned and aptly affording shelter for new growth


As eyes look up to study the skies for meanings of how


And for what purpose is for a single tree 2b within forests


As these leaves reflect my present pleasing and thankful view….


Once young and green, now maturing good in hue of gold aging

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mrmelody7 says:

Very reflective with vivid imagery and scenery
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks for reading mrmelody7......ONE

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hymnagen says:

Thanks for a reflective journey. I stay hoping when others see me as platinum, I will still feel golden. Peace

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