My constant is classy yet natural
No need for masks or facades I am in essence Me
Calm yet abrasive, pleasant but abrupt, understanding but seldomly forgiving, And just as night and day exist so do I....two yet one. Complete opposites in one existence... A true contradiction.
Only I... I am multiples...all learning to coexist as one. Lifetime enrollment. Student of my own school. Yet confident and sound in who it has enabled me to be.
My weaknesses are my blessings Even though many may see them as deficiencies. I see them as my anchors in humility that without, I would fail...
I embrace my flaws and flaunt my assets lol. I am neither more nor less than you. Therefore I carry myself as such.
So many different facets of one.....Never ending amusement park. But...
Who?... Who will take the time to hop on that eternal rollercoaster of a mind. MY mind??...a mind so diverse, so liberal, AMERICAS MELTING POT!...all in one (hu) Man. INTRICATE to say the least.
So who?..
No rush... but beginning to believe no one could truly gage or capture.... Me.
However you see what the world fails to see... is I AM Me and by default that's all I Can be.
I hold so many great treasures yet its not easily accessible....(as if any are.) CONSEQUENTLY the following Question no longer is what will be changed by me...but it would inevitably BE and REmain..... Who holds the will and compassion to possess the key or dig deep enough To discover or REcover... Me.