OneWing33 | Poetry Vibe
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Dont insinuate



Views: 450

I just want to show my appreciation

Cause, you pulled me through the toughest situations

Walking beside me, in different places

And no, people will have there insinuations

Even go as far as false allogations

But you never listened to any instigators

Which was a indicator

The link we have is UNBREAKABLE

Something on the lines of sensational

Without your bond, I'd feel lifeless

You can't by this love, for, it's priceless

I feel, as if, I'm walking on the red carpet

I was blessed to be your chosen target

This type of love is hard to hold

It's not basic you been broke the mold

Cause you held on, NEVER sailing your soul

And for that I'm forever grateful We ride shoot gun together case close

You helped me look inside and find my true Royalty

Because, there's nothing in this world more sufficient than LOYALTY  

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Few if any things have greater personal value than loyalty. You captured it well.

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OneWing33 says:

Thank you

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