2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Wherein Thighs Lie......


just different

Views: 486

Fo’ sure lies, Sir  prize,  Sir  prize, 
Gift  certificates  plied,  redeeming
Stretched  out,  crisscrossing  outside
Inside,   home  cooking  apple  pie,  steaming
Drizzling  sweet  aromas,  smoke  stirring  slits
I  keep  purring,  outside  her  window

I  bend  slow,  hoping  to  unravel  her  rave
Held  sway,  below  navels,  shifts  echo waves
Singin’  for  glory  to  open  up  thresholds
Predisposed  I  am  to  caressing  with  purpose
Slowly  gliding  on  her  curves  in  rapture

Nature  has  its  way,  in  reason  seasoned  on  thus
Eventually  splitting  open  fruit  filled  centers,  I  trust
Prodding  playfully  plotting,  her opening  sesame
Essence  is  detecting  my  intention,  goose  pimpling
Trunks  of  stature,  I’m  blinded  by  its  glistening  forrays

For  daze,  I  intends  to  stay,  for  such  sights  drive  me  wild

Cocoa  Butter  on  top  of  Ponds,  smooth  to  touch,  cold  cream

Hot  oil  drips  into  her  seams,  like  a  mid-summer’s  night  dream

Gliding  my  cheek  across  her  smooth  surface,  cat and  mouse  game

Content  2b  invited  to  this  catch or 2b  catch  thang

Insanely  driven  when  random  winds  lifts  feign  surprise

Traveling  eyes  enter  zones  2b  snagged…..lustfully

Admiring  her  gold  mine,   yet  not  fully  seeing  entry

Loving  the  road  that  leads  to  this  glory….wherein  thighs  spied,

Adorning  her  journey,  not just  its highly touted destination!

Wherein  Thighs  Lie........

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Contest Winner  

tjaigreen says:

Great use of metaphor. Thanks for sharing.

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks tjaigreen.....ONE
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

You got no shame, bruh - turning readers into voyeurs! LOL Well executed.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Ha ha thanks hymnagen......love a woman with well defined legs, resting on plump thighs.....ONE

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