NeJay | Poetry Vibe
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All A Man Got In This Word Is His Word!!

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On The Outside Loooking In..



Views: 313

Maybe she's just to good for him or maybe he's to good
for her. We're on the outside looking in, so how would
we really know?

They look so good together, I mean perfectly matched
it seems. These kind of relations are the ones we see
in dreams. They dont argue ever. When she's sick he
makes her better. They say they will be forever. Her
family loves him and as for his..well they are glad that he
met her.

They never really struggled, he buys her what she wants.
He doesn't even cheat, and he promised her he won't.
They go to church ever Sunday. He's a God fearing man.
Every situation he makes it his way to understand.
Sometimes he doesn't want to be bothered but he still
never leaves the house. They may fuss at each other, but
the same day and same timing they realize they should
work it out.He don't drink or smoke weed. Her tell
her face to face that she is all the he needs. His
pants don't hang low. He graduated from his school
and even enrolled in college now a masters degree is what
he wants.

To everyone he's the perfect husband and she's the perfect
wife. And if you on the outside looking in everything looks
alright. Is it?? Hell naw!! He hold her hand in public
but before he done broke her jaw. He screen her calls, she
is suffocated by his ignorance. He's an abusive, jealous,
and selfish man. She looks happy around people,but she swear
she wish that she could end the S###..

Behind closed doors nothing is what it really is. He not
just the bad guy. She faked claimed the kids. Three children
involved with only 1 being his. Now something don't add up
let's see you do the math. They been together for 10 years
the oldest child is only 8. The middle child is 6 and the
last baby is 5. That leaves 2 years of the beginning together or
maybe even more where they both done lied.

Sometimes you gotta smile to stop the tears. All the pain
throughout the years. They use to be happy until that
happiness was overcame by fear. Everythang aint what it seems
you know like them fake fruits on your grandma's kitchen table.
L-O-V-E only a 4 letter word and as for MARRIAGE.. WELL..

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:


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NeJay says:

Thanks 2B!

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Love the way you summed it all up

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NeJay says:


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