Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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I know that the mind of the divine is eternally timeless
And Satan is constantly trying to bind & blind this
But I quickly tell him, to get thee behind this!

I sometimes sit trying
To find the next thing to rhyme with
I need a vocabulary sublime list
A timeless sense of rhythmic line bliss
But in just a quick gist
I came to recognize He stands and don’t sit
There out in the spiritual midst

I try to read His lips
Cause the devil is screaming in my ear
I pray silently to myself
Lord please don’t be afar, but please come near!

I hope my whisper
Is something He could hear!
Because I want him to embrace me
And make me feel worthy & dear!

The fact of the matter
Is that most of the time
Truth is so hard to take in and digest
But loving our God
Is the very thing in which in, we should invest!
So we no longer continue to digress
And then emotionally suppress our anger
And then we lose our potential to progress
As Gods divine heavenly name we slander.

When I do something or say something dumb
Please try not to mind this
Because words to convey my feelings at times
They sometimes just can not seem to find this.

I know by faith
That I am spiritually esteemed highly
Because I believe in Jesus as my mediator
And He is one with the almighty!

Knowing my spirits house is unruly and needs to be tidy
I need more than my own strength to be considered mighty
The Holy Spirit, the spirit of Christ is what’s inside me
And it is He who dwells and offers me power
So I don’t continue to remain in spiritual hiding

I am given strength to plunder the demons asunder
And I recognize the voice which speaks to me like thunder

Or at times
Sounds like the combination of a multitude of waters
His voice urges repentance
From all men, including our own sons & our daughters.

It’s obvious,
God’s presence can at times be elusive
But it’s highly conclusive
To believe in His presence
For your own soul is conducive!

We must act now
As we are currently in the Valley of Decision
The seven seals have been opened
And Christ will be seen by all men on the world’s television

So without hesitation
Please accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior
The choice will be the best ever
Because ultimately, you’re doing yourself the greatest of favors!


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