igotastory | Poetry Vibe
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I would Like to thank EVERYONE for all the love and comments that you all took time out to write. I really appreciate it all and I will return soon just need to take a break from the world and get in my own zone.. Only the real will understand what I mean. I love me some love and to return the same. Thank you all so much!!!!

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Break up


just different

Views: 408

Theres so many things I need to say ,but the fear of hurting you always gets in the way. 

Your sweet and special but not to me ,you have this perfect picuture of us but its showing a different view everytime i try to look and see. 

I care about you but only as a friend , Im afriad that if i break you off then  everything between us will just end. 

And I cant trust anyone not right now to many people then stab me in the back n when i turn around they become the ones asking how   

And I hate getting hurt I hate giving a part of myself to people that they never deserved.

Im scared that youll do the same   im scared that everything will be in vein.

So please dont be mad  just writing this letter made me feel sad n i know one day youll find that perfect girl , it just so happens god decided for me that i cant be part of your world.


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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Ouch! No matter how delicate you try to put it, it's still gonna sting, but the honesty of this piece might make the sting fade faster. Well done.
Contest Winner  

igotastory says:

Thanks hymnagen so much for the comment

Poet365 says:

This is real deep reality, the fear of getting too close very emotionally charged.


scash102 says:

I love the honesty, everyone Is afraid of heart break but thats how we learn to love again. Its scary to trust but it's worst to miss out and go through more heart breaks just because Of fear.

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Contest Winner  

igotastory says:

Thanks scash102 and poet365 for the feedback I really appreciate it

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