Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Wyld FREEstyle



Views: 171

I have no allies
Because they all lies
And I despise fallacious cries
Standard angered banter with slander
It appears that fear consumes tears 
Get ready to ingest weapon X
No incognito infantry
Unsold soldier symmetry
Without lies marketable gimmicky
Precipice slope was once slippery 
But now the hate pervades 
With rage on center stage 
Unphased by disgrace
I share this mortal mundane disdain 
For enabling law enforcement Cains
Inundated with filament striations
Shots sprang forth and shattered 
Then splattered bodies and grey matter
As if human life doesn't matter
And so I levitate space matter
No pain no gain
So the 'strain matters'

Turn me up 
Like erattic static 
Beyond enigmatic
For circumstances tragic
What the ***
Is happening to this planet
I cant just sit and observe
I CAN NO LONGER stand it
We ALL gotta raise our bandwidth
Who can I STAND with?!

Scared and mind scarred fools
Psychosclerotic police pathogens
Who gets in their path again
Will feel their wrath again
Results dont seem to add up
So let's do the math again

I come from a different zone 
Quite different not diffident
But an insurgent in person
And verses versus persons
Slurping curses 
In a social circus
And in a digital social circuit
Human life
Who isn't worth it
I'm going berserk 
About to burst first 
Through verses 
Cursing law enforcement persons
And forget praying 
For families on pews 
With communicative shrewd dudes in churches
It's worthless

We need to come together casually passionately
In solidarity more than bi-annually 
Or only when there are casualties 
From police brutality
No part of legal formalities 
Disrupting blind minds factually
We MUST unite against the social spite 
Of what appears to be 
An issue of black & white

My light is bright and contrite
UNLIKE, the officers flash light
That can flash like
A dash cam 'shows' the trash right?!

Chokehold, pepper spray 
Or tase your face
Life take away 
Cause they don't like your face
They claim it's grace
These racists erasing faces 
In multiple states and places
Witness or not
They get away with their murdering
Causing abrasions and blood curdling

No doubt, to their detriment I'm growing
A bit volatile and hostile
I'm here speaking truth no games
I'm considered the truth apostle 
With a street gospel 
To awaken the docile
Strengthen and reconfigure 
Your spinal bones like a fossil

Heavy breathing
From viewing heavy bleeding
Steadily deceiving
From demons 
Of third dimensional heathen
Gun toting and cheesing
No stop and search freezing
Blood pressure rising 
Like fists to the skies
I'm here to stir the necessary uprise 
So I spit to apprise
To cause defamation of this nation
And be a part of tearing 'its heart' 
First through my imparted art
Into its demise
Defy government and polity ties
For their policies lie
I'm NOT surprised 
That so called gangstas CONpromise
They shoot their own
But wont look a pig in the eyes

Cold facts collapsing tracks
I will not hold back
Nor do I reverse or retract
Break the chains of your minds
And get the >straight facts<
Because it's NOT conspiracy
To proclaim that they hate blacks
Go jump Jack!
This aint no joke that I poke
I was very early on awakened
Forcefully awoke by cop folk
Only eleven tears of age
Stopped and searched
And that was basically the beginning
For my placing hate & rage
At center stage
Rather than in a hearse, then dirt
So I now converse through verse
To bring out your best NOT worst
BUT, I stand by my words dispersed
It's long been time to rise up
An uprise is needed 
And not only wanted by most
I speak as a thunder
But shine like a lightning BOLT
Ecclectic highly electric charged volt
As your revolutionary host
So let's toast, not boast
Nomore neutrality, or 'driving on coast'
It's night time...for us to REVOLT!

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