Number3 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 41600
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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C.P .C!



Views: 359
Note that circumstance promote change! And if not? Believe it. As things will change Like the tidal waves rising, influencing the seasons...things are changing. Exponentially streaking to the optimum. Where cacoons (break), water breaks and disguises fall. And the smiles are upside down. My side of town hometown. . Where things change over situations where patience was needed to (find) a solution. Where the finish line seems obscure and is obstructed by familiar faces asking you for favours masked by cowerdlyness to the point where you not giving a f&@#. So you wish em luck, asking em to move before they get stuck. How quick things change, how quick decisions are made, how quick the trigger can be pulled. How far the Libra scales can tip. How far you...and only you.. can stay on the edge before you slip. Losing grip with reality. . . Is this it? Empty palms, empty promises reeping empty dreams. . . Facing the circumstances. ..hand in hand with change.

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