igotastory | Poetry Vibe
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I would Like to thank EVERYONE for all the love and comments that you all took time out to write. I really appreciate it all and I will return soon just need to take a break from the world and get in my own zone.. Only the real will understand what I mean. I love me some love and to return the same. Thank you all so much!!!!

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Personal Thoughts



Views: 675

Days like this makes life sad , you were suppose to hold my hand and have my back..

But no it didnt go that way it changed my picture perfect imge when u up and went away.

And you never came back home so as a child i felt like i did something wrong ,of why you didnt come around and why so many bad things happen to me and i ask god was this how things were supose to be.

And i felt alone and unloved and i became overweight cause i spent more time byself and a plate.

Broken i felt like i gave my soul away just for a few tokens and i became depressed had to start taking meds hoping things would go at its best.

But thats the thing  nothing can fix a broken heart ,nothing can change a young girl learning abandonment at a early start  

And its something i carried all my life something i stayed up crying about every night so whats there to be done when u wanna end things with a gun...



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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

WOW...This is deep. I read it and it made me feel sad. I like to read poetry like this because it shows just a little bit of the poets world. I really like this poem. Keep that pen movin IGotAStory

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Contest Winner  

igotastory says:

Thank you so much tretre for taking the time to read my work.

catmartan says:

Great Write ! Be Encouraged !
Contest Winner  

igotastory says:

Thank you catmartan

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