WalkingEmotion | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 202
I knew what was behind the double doors before I walked in Fornication, breaking oaths to the Lord,and making an enemy of thy neighbor are just a few of the sins I indulged with no intentions on things coming to an end So desperate I was even willing for us to become friends I risked it all hoping that youll catch me once I fall Even though I knew lies would be plastered across the walls So pressed I released the door from its hinges Exposing everything for what it is and not to mention the truth within it Stuck at the table with the truth right in from of me Plate to face I secretly took bites of the lies I hid under the table Sure that I was gonna become full and become the winning one instead of the fool Balling with pain God set up more and more blessings in my path

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love_supreme says:

Wow, this is a very inspirational write.I really like that. Keep that pen flowin'

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