Princess | Poetry Vibe
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'Act like a lady, Think like a man, perform like an assassin'

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Views: 293

Mamma am I not pretty 
I mean there's always boys looking at me 
What does that mean 
I feel like a creature from an unknown planet mamma
I don't understand do I not with hold beauty
Mamma am I not pretty 
I mean boys come up to me 
But they always want one thing 
Is that cause I'm ugly? 
So they think they can get it easy 
Cause my friends seem to get a lot of boys mamma 
Just not me.
Mamma am I not beautiful 
Because when I am not comfortable in the image I with hold in the mirror 
These boys watch me, like I'm a rare thing 
But when I am comfortable in my skin 
They look away in pity 
What does that mean mama
Am I not pretty, beautiful,unique 

My sweet child you are pretty
These boys watch you due to this 
Cause they know you hold elegance 
But when yu deny them they grow angry
And I have told you of these 'friends' 
They are nothing but easy 
So the boys return to them due to them getting that one thing 
My sweet child don't you worry
Because the only planet you are from is earth
But they are so confused 
Confused by your inhuman beauty 
They must think you are a unique beauty indeed 
So don't shy away 
Embrace it like no other 
My sweet child those boys who may judge you from covering up 
Are merely what you say 
They are boys 
Just hitting puberty 
So when you are covered they are upset
Cos they want you to show them what they want their little girlfriends to be
And my sweet child 
Don't let these BOYS make you put your head down 
Cause your crown will drop to the ground 
And you won't find your prince 
That's why I say wait
Wait till you find yourself a MAN.
To show you that your beauty, unique , and most if all pretty

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

BEAUTIFUL WORK....WORD UP....thanks for sharing....ONE
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

A soul edifying work. Thank you for this!

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