Nekochi | Poetry Vibe
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Don't Do It

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I don't see it as a problem, being a ...

If you have seen what I have seen you would be too

Having to lay back and watch friends get hurt and not do a damn thing about it, to have people lie to your face and say their your best friend otherwise. To be depended on but not have a ***ing shoulder to cry on...

yeah I will admit I am a ... and i Love it. 

The reasons behind that is obvious, you don't have fake people in your life anymore

who wanna settle the score 

or meet up somewhere to ask for stupid favors and never be there

when you need them anyways, you don't have to wait for stuff to come to you, your a ... now you can handle it, get what you need done for yourself.

and Besides all this people still try to walk all over you and make you feel like crap for no reason because of this

NO I refuse to be walked on and I am no ones god damn toy. 

If you wanted that go to toys r us, because I don't play with little girls and Boys. 

I don't do well with drama I could honestly care less. 

You can ... and whine all you want to it wont change and damn thing. I learned to be a ... to survive in the hateful world any way

I let this be known because as I said I could care less. I don't want to deal with someone who doesn't care about me and my family. 

If you mess with them you will find yourself buried somewhere just a warning... how many times have I went off again. 

too many to count I will try to keep this on subject, I am a ... and I know it I don't care for you. I know its hard to hear but damn if its not true.

I have been hurt in the past and I know its not your fault. But it has made me this way so you cant be angry at the result. 

I am stronger and wiser and believe it or not more enthralled... Dont have to deal with s who just sit there and 'speal'.

So I thank you you s who have tried to put me in my place, tell me I'm evil behind my back though you don't have the heart to say it to my face. 

I thank you for the bull and the nights that I have cried it just made me stronger, want to live harder, not die

I thank you for the harassment, and all of the pain. It gathered me up instead of putting me in disdain. 

I thank you wholeheartedly, I mean it for real. So when you go to bed know this little deal. 

I never hated you one bit, I could care less of you life. I refused to fight you and I will move on with my life. 

So if you ever wonder what had happened to me, just know that I am now the person I have always wanted to be.

I have family and a husband and a house while you don't. I sit as a queen you a peasant near my throne. 

and like i said a ... I don't apologize to be. That's why I thank you for making

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