2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Analyzing Secrets....



Views: 507

Peep  It,  Freak  it
Don’t  look  now
Behind  closed  doors
Screaming  out  loud
Begging  for  exposure
Burnt  bridges  crossed  over
Unrequited  lovers  regret
Unhealthy  lust  begets,
Going  back  for  one  more  hit
Can’t  forget,  what   was  never  told
Spied  by  others,  so  it   goes….

Out  like  I’ve  been  open  for  business  all  day
Needing  understanding……not  defamation

Getting  profiled  from  stories  of  old,  being  sold

How  I  used  2b,  rumors  got  me  incarcerated
Descending….depending  on  how  it  be  lookin’
Bone  chilling,  cuz  my  skeletons  are  showing

As  audiences  judge  my  out  takes,  admonishing

Punishing  my  discretion,  kept  in  and  locked  away

Only  2b  played  by  mouths   on  blast,  exposing

Now  I’m  expected  2b  sorry,  really,  not  hardly

What  I  did  or  will  do  behind  closed  doors  is  my  right

Sometimes  plight,  maybe  even  a  knock  down  drag  out  fight

Kaleidoscope  fragments  viewed  thru  cracks  in  closets,  snooping

Poking  noses  in  my  laundry,  hoping  to  smell  something  funny

It  was  night  when  I  laid  away,  and  yes  eventually  light  will  make  a  play

Graveyards  remain  silent,  because  whatz  dead  is  never  mentioned….

That’s  why  it  will  never  do  any  good  to  analyze  secrets…….if  you  ain’t  never  walk  ‘em  dem  shoes  out   of  a  closet  where  nothing  fits  you!

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catmartan says:

Tight Write ! Real talk
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

One of those episodes, huh? I give dap where dap is due..hot piece, bruh

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks kindly catmartan.....ONE

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks brother hymnagen......ONE

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