Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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#150 ' She...


first love

Views: 418
In anticipating, with the acquaintance. . .or so I thought. My escapades in loves path was set in motion. . . .my thoughts although wondered. . . Changing objectives in every step I took. . . .step by step, thought by thought, I wondered. . . Maybe I should just turn back? . . .step by step, thought by thought, I wondered. . . Proceeded with the journey, two-timing my fear. Mastering up my conscious. To say "Hello" in confidence. To the Lady, whom in wooing I was to commence. . . And near as I was, the butterflies sprung to life. Them too wondering where I was heading?. . . As magically as it is. Walking across the street. An angel. . .my mind believes. . . My eyes see. My heart beats. . . .step by step, thought by thought, I wondered no more. . . In awe. A beauty as such.

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Nice one, Number3. Peace
Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Very powerful Number3...Always keep that pen movin!!
Contest Winner  

Number3 says:

thank you tretre, always Word Up

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