Non§en§i©al §iriu$ §©®IBbLiNg
Sk€L€t@L s¢intigr@phy
Highly attra¢tive dida¢tic ©alligr@¶h¥
App@rently m0§t of hum@nity
Sadly h@§ di©tion d¥strophy
Specifically vi©ious di©tion
Repl@cing 'instrum€nt@l mental' c0nditioning
Unconditi0ned for€n§ic 'specifics' additionally
Serpents §ervicing the earth maliciously
©ausing circumstances abysmal dismally
Injected holographic imagery
With intentions to control ALL industry
Persons on the earths surface
Walk @nd talk con-tra-dic-tive-ly
But ¶redictably
Ignorance gives 'vacuity blissfully'
Incredible infamy
For my l@ck of obn0xious ©on§tan©y
Cause Im hyper conscious constantly
Like Con§tantine
In €very instance brilliantly
Intellect & dialect r€spected differently
I'm a special spectre with conj€cture
Another @morphous Djinn of dignit¥
Lyrics instantly
Cascade to serenade
A mundane brain MYSTICally
I was commissioned THIS ministry
To skillfully and quite visibly
Lyrically rip 0¶Tics vividly
Assisting the willfull¥ witt¥
Intrepid, d€ft & adept since INFAN©¥
Internal b@rracks with ¶latinum ©a®ats
Holding our s€ven ¶ersona infant®y
With ®hythmic linguistic @bility
And with an @ffinity
To using our minds satellite agilit¥
Altimetry of antiquity
©aptured and lost in m€ntal c@ptivity
Nomore d€fici€n©y of ¢ivility
Full consistency
Of malevolent men living miserably
I spit deli©ious phon€ti©s
With no docility
Slight soulful darkness
With ¶ersonal verbal harshness & h0stility
In 'front of me'
Is my pers0na effrontery
No drive€ling
But word dribbling
With €fficien¢y
Equipped with an €piphany
Critically ripping the epitome of stupidity
V€r®biage hurting cer®tain persons explicitly
I exi§t in the midst of infinity lit€rally
Placed in the mosh
As I spit in this industry
¶ositioning myself pivotally
Influential variou§
Anunnaki and nefarious Carian aliens
Not philanthropic or humanitarian
But cosmic logic & weapon carrying
No lingering or tarr¥ing
They are the @uthors
Of dictatorship authoritrian
With no ancient PICTOglyph compari§on
The situation is quite PRE¢arious
Some persons are HOPING
That there's a loving deit¥ hearing us
But €vil is wearing and tearing us
§alivary glands
Dropping contr@band
Nefariously hilarious!
A contradictive affliction
Inflicting diction gregarious
Do you think you can 'map this'?
My desire to be a hybrid entit¥
Equivalent to a thesaurus & atlas
In retr0§pect I d€tect an elastic synaptic
I recognize the retroactive combatants
That combatively saddened me
They deliberately insisted 'we'
Worked in tandem ¢ollabor@tively
Indignation with this n@tion
And the infiltration
Of fallacious information
Segregating the earths population
Propagating not only postulating pr0v0cation
A daily illustration and demonstration
Of race hating and its elevation
Seems to be
Ominous somnolence or sedation
To pla©ate these gr@ve situations
Situational aggravation
Aggravating certain persons
Under subsurface observance
By Federal Bureaucratic Insurgent addicts
And No Strings Attached Agents in §€®vic€
Disturbingly curbing persons
From wording verses
That can 'disperse dirt' and hurt vermin
Conversingly & concurrently worsening
Lik€ an unworthy yet nerdy circus
And I sp0radically r@ther rand0ml¥
Actively react to humanity collapsing
Under the canopy of atrophy
And ¶ain is rather drastically
Running spastically rampantly
Abra c@dabra average cadavers
Cancerously ravaging cantankerously
Forever grateful
Even when uneventful
Never resentful
I share disd@in
Toward my strain and graphic pain
That has theatrically waxed & waned
As I use pain in prose
To compose propane
Cause I'm NOT propain
A $oul slain
With slow pain
A glow gained
'Seth' §moking meth 'Rogan' on Rogaine
S€rpents in 'public phuckit service'
Sipping on Coke & sniffing on ©ocaine
My brains gr€¥ graphic terr@in is tactical
Slipping through my sabbatical
With actual factuals
Forging a new path as an adroit pundit
Musse the overly magniloquent Maven mage
Morphing & manipulating m@chinations
Of s€ven severed imaginations
No severed endeavors of procrastination
We're still dealing with a macabre
Of monstrous malevolent movements
Induced with
Introduced with
We 'Kant' refute it
I can't even dispute or compute it
Carnage harne§§ed
After the hardest targets were hardened
Botanical beauty bought
By a c0ld c@rcass
€nveloping a divorced corpse the farthest
Swervingly observing serpents
Slither in darkness
P0rters of m0rtar
Importing and exporting daughters
Gold den@rius for 'four quarters'
Of the £@rth left bereft covered in dearth
Working in dirt
Unconcerned with hurt
Going b€r§€rk in verse
Not concerned with church
But ye@rning
For my efforts and work 2 work
Sn@pping back €lastically
Rather, pulled back harra§§ingl¥
By another $erp€nts vor@city
To pursu€ an outd@ted view a©tively
R@mbun©tiou§ fun©ti0n§
And interw0ven ©onduits & junction§
Br0k€n b@llisti¢s intrin§i©
To ones soul specifics
Like a phantasm fantastically
€lectrified lies f0r©ing & €nd0rsing ¢rie§
Eng0rging tiۤ
Met@morphing coughed endorphines
That are g€tting us HIGH
On oUr§elves w€ ReL¥
¥€t th€ ₩0®Ld
i§ gettinG ®€ad¥ t0 F®¥¡!