lyrics_Poetry | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
I love the skin i am in.

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"Start Over"



Views: 357

I apologize if i came at you a bit strong i was nervous didnt really know what to say you should have seen the expressions on my face that day. I know you thinking in your head that i've said what i said to you to another man before,but it"s not true lets start over while the sky is still blue.I want your friendship then your heart including your love. I've been waiting on you for a very long time are my soulmate so stop fighting it and become mine. I'm the woman you dream about I'm the one who's going to go to the river and catch a trout. I'm the one who is going to compromise no matter if the situation good or bad in my eyes. I'm the one who is going to understand be behind you no matter what because you are my man.

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