all my enemies have
fallen at my feet
trying to pull me down
I keep on walking around
I look down at my shadow
on the ground
dark, lovely and beautiful
with an afro
watching over me
like a big bro
tread fast not too slow
they tried to hold me but
had to let me go
groomed from birth
my mother’s womb burst
came out foot first
had to breach first
to break the curse
since then been writing verse
grandpa died that hurt
before he did he put in work
laid bricks, built walls around me
they looked for me but no one
found me I flew so high
the devil grounded me
pain is what strengthens me
still here because I shook fear
shake ground when I walk the tier
despised more than idolized
don’t bother me none
I shoo flies
walking in shoes untied
like severed bloodlines
all that’s left of a family that died