Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Scrolls of Struggle (S.O.S.)



Views: 316

Scrolls of Struggle (S.O.S.)

We're learning
To be more discerning 
And soul concerning
While we're sojourning universes
No rehearsing of verses
This multi-person disperses
Conversing with persons
Observingly purposeful serpents
And other serpentine merchants
Emerging from subsurface 
To churches in concurrence
To a mingling single occurrence
Perturbing 'tidal currents'
Neophytic disciple 
Rivaling unbridled hermits

With no deterrance
The emergence
Of an insurgents verses
Not biding
Neither like Tyson biting
Soulfully surviving 
Or hiding subsurface
Wickedly conniving
While socially striving
Creating a globally ignoble disturbance
Persons perturbance of worrying
While 'wild life driving'

Imperfect earth persons 
Servicing dearth 
On that ball of dirt
Has only worsened
In every occurrence
Diction deterrance
Concurrently working nervously
Spitting to introduce 
And induce psychosurgery certainly

With the certainty 
That we'll utilize 
Cacophony cries
To burn through 
And fuel our neurocircuitry
Urgently beserkingly 
Splurging perfectly woven words
As insurgents
Intellectually divergent 
Person to person courtesy personally
Earths detected events current
With regard to currency
Is burning worthlessly

And WE DON'T spit 
Words of absurdity PURPOSELY
Because we recognize our flaws
As we abide 
By metaphysical 
Empirical principles & laws
Knowing OUR daughter is observing we

BUT, we fervently 
Express words of urgency
About earths disturbing EMergency
And serpent persons
Perturbingly disturbing 
Through their perversity
Highly concerning 
Yet disconcerting to see
Adversity turned and burned
Into a universal emergency
We must coercively 
Burn serpents at the stake fully awake
So they FEEL their flesh burning
Certain serpent vermin persons 
Deserve to be burned universally
Publicly even 'commercially'
No punishment withheld 
Using conservancy
The earths bereft dearth emergency
CREATED by vermins universally
Must burn 
For they EARNED IT deservedly
Place their disgracefully 
Defaced ashes into an urn churningly
As they remain unconcerned
For persons burning 
In lifes strife university

My spits acid is accurately acrid
Specific semantics and antics
Are sometimes in some lines 
Of some conundrum rhymes
Are tantric as answers are granted
A 'lord' of 'panthers' 
That's growled & panted 
We've habitually ritually literally chanted
Grew cantankerously candid
NOMORE chances
Or belief in a biblical deity
Wasteful time in tribal dances

Our didactic tactics 
Are fancifully frantic
Earth persons panic
Breathing in toxins
First and second handed
A magnanimous 
Massive alien has landed
No need to panic
He's quite amicably placid
Feet deeply planted
INTO this planet 
Of dirt & granite
Now grant it
He's been granted
Power cosmic through logic
Yet no expansive prancing
Several grammatical stances
Socially he's quite vocally candid 
As a magnate or magistrate candidate
Abandoned then stranded
He landed in his 'omnibus transit'
He snickered and smirked
As he saw earths jerk serpents so vapid 
Slithering so disastrously rapid

An imperfect alien person enchanted
With grammar expansive
Semantics not synthetic 
But neither organic like sanskrit
Tongue twisting and mind-bending
Lingual pyromancer quite romantic 
He absconded his planet
Left on his vimana
The size of the oceanic Atlantic

Diction used with verbiage diversity
Mixed menagerie 
Of old school and modernity
Uncertain if our verses
Will make a difference personally
But we remain determined for certain
Despite our uncertainty
And we'll continue 
To communicate contritely
Despite darkened light through perversity

We expect to reject defects
And reflect perfection eternally
We come from eternity
Androgynous anodyne
Acting maternal paternally
Predictive diction spit determinedly 
Using analogies 
And ultra exaggerated hyperboles
Overly concerned
With perfecting the insurgency
Restlessly burning internally
As our 'demiurge hurt'
Is dispersed irreversibly


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says: give new meaning to "spirited" pen.....ONE

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