HymnAgen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Pen wouldn't move til now Current eventz got me feelin some kinda way

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Journey to Enlightenment (A Children’s Story)


just different

Views: 459

In the absence of clear answers,

Restlessness and Speculation cavort

like old companions                                   

in a wilderness of random thoughts –

seeking their way to Understanding,

defying Wisdom’s urge to abandon

childish frivolities.

Yet they continued on their journey

in their wide-eyed curiosity

trying to find a way across the gap

Understanding bridges.


They sojourned for many moons

along the route they thought led to it,

and took a rest with Hopelessness

who suggested something foolish,

saying, “Why not remain in Clueless-

Ness with me? It is a joy!

Your silly path to Understanding

will first take you to Annoyed,

and passage through its streets

is fraught with Frustration and Anger,

two very hostile gangs.

Do not put yourselves in danger!”

“We will err on the side of Caution

on the outskirts of Annoyed.

While Clueless-Ness may be your bliss,

in Understanding lies our joy.”


After the resumption

of their travels they went south

taking pause in Self-Delusion

in the countryside of Doubt

but they did not tarry long

since the locals lived in fears

that had not vacancies

for they were all full of despair.

Restlessness and Speculation

bid the Doubters a farewell,

grateful for their hospitality

if only for a spell.


These two fast friends carried on

for just over the next ridge

was their longed for destination –

it was Understanding’s bridge.

They made haste for Understanding

because on the other side

lies the realm of True Enlightenment

where they would find their brides.

Restlessness would soon find Peace,

and Speculation Confirmation.

In them each they found their happiness…





but the journey







was AMAZING!!!



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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Excellent Work.....Bravo.....ONE

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JustOneStoryTeller says:

Awesome write HymnAgen a visual escapade in which I found myself going over the bridge with them lol Nice indeed my King!

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