2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Utter Brother


Views: 475

Birthed  from  Word
I  resume  my  reverence
Seen  thru  the  dark  recesses
My  communique  enlightening
If  you  care  to  read  between  lines
Finding  my  sheer  power  2b  frightening
Built  from  nothing,  constantly  reminding

I  come  and  go  from  out  the  abyss
Never  do  I  miss   or  should  I  say,  remiss

These  trips   on  the  backs,  I’ve  already  broken

Smoking   mysteries,  hardship  is  but  a   mere  token

To  often  spoken,  from  out  the  mouths  of  babes

Crying  out  in  this  wilderness,  tested  by  iniquity

Rising  to  the  top,  like  GMO  creamy  crop,  IPOs

Faking  props,  fighting  to  hold  a  spot,  already  on  hold

So  we  fold  them  ends,  bowing  to  currency  pressures

Make  believe  authority,  supposed  2b  superiority

Complex  shun  for  lack  of  prescribed  intellect,  read  in  era

As  faze  shifts  on  to  those  begets  next  in  line,  in  due  time

Meantime   whine  passes  among  masses,  growing  to  steady  hums

Changing  frequencies,  infrequently  seeming  as  shortcomings

So  I  beseech  my  brothers  and  sisters  to  look  out  from  curtains,

Remove  your  shades,  to  your  peers,  who  are  so  engaged

 Rage  is  the  question,  but  better  yet  reckon  what  is  indefinite

Likened  to  everlasting,  the  hint  has  already  been  given,  in  beginnings

We  only  need  to  remember  to  keep  transmuting  by  the  magic  of…..
Positive  Utterings…..unto  Others!

PEACE  (dig  that,  and give it a try)
ONE  LOVE  (this  one too!!!)

Infinitely  2b2b2

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mrmelody7 says:

Many lessons to be gained from this proverbial piece, as always your wisdom of the visible and invisible shines through

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks kindly mrmelody7....Happy New Year!

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