edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 376

 I got so much skill and i use it for bad and evil. the lord tells me im in a world of sin and i got to change my ways if im ever gonna win. im stuck in a ***ing ditch! Man i need to find me a girl and get hitched. I have struck out so many times and gotten back up. i lived to tell tales of the old west. now im living in an age of modern war, money i have no more. I try my best to help the poor. Like alcapone im opening soup kitchens and bootlegging beer. i give that to my fellow peers. when the judge asked my how do i plea, i reply im guilty of now let me be. i see crack heads in the bathroom of the parks and joints trying to catch them sparks. i remeber elementary, a place where i was young and abused by the bullies. now im calling shots from behing my desk under gound in a bunker well dressed. been told im un fit, my lugs gonna die if i don't quit. I love my kush and we will never part. , looking at happy couples put pain in my heart. if i had chance at that i would give my crime life up in a beat, but no girls loves me, so i still clench my knife and beg the lord for a better life. i realize that ima be rich and no one to share my wealth, even though the doc said my heart is in perfect health, i feel it's broken. I wish i would have took a different path of my choosing now even though im winning im losing,

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