edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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Guess Who's Back!!!

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*** Love



Views: 534

 I make my summer days cold with the memories of you. the way you played me through and through. I went a great distances just to make you smile but you wouldn't event go half of a quarter mile. as this replays in my head again and again, i wonder what really happen in that bed. I was thinking we would last forever, not once did i never cheat, not even when i had my suspicions. Like a remote, you pushed my buttons. You were so abusive when all i want was you to feel the way i did. You treated me like a ***ing kid. Im a man, and now this man is turning the tables and leaving you before you do more damage, no please stop you WHORE im taking no more. Tired of your games, you saying i will never see fame, said I don't deserve you! You don't deserve me and my big heart. All i had was my heart to give and you took every last ounce and threw it dow the drain leaving with major chest pain. Having a heart attack i mean my heart was attacked. Your lies can die and feed those demon flies and all my cries can fill a river that flows to new beginings like base ball you only get a certain amount of innings. i didn't lose you, its the other way around. i put this relationship in the ground six feet deep and those memories you can keep. don't bother to apologize cuz i know about the other guys 

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Contest Winner  

DeleDivine says:

This is Powerful!!.:)

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Contest Winner  

edwardbalonado21 says:

This was an angry type of poem

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