ladykay | Poetry Vibe

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loud voice of silence


Views: 230
I have never heard of silence being so loud You see the sins of your brothers but they themselves can't see how How they can die unaware Drowned by their ignorance Lives as grass withered Innoncence vaporized like rain in the clouds How can this be Your brother My brother Struggling Are we to holy to reach out and save them It's sad almost grim that we would let silence win them Lives shattered when we can't look past our own nose Scared to speak so we let silence take hold and mold our minds But how can we a way to bring God's babies home Are we that far gone The only time we find a voice to raise is to bring awareness of their incapabilities to change But it's a shame To expect our brothers to know what to cast off What should remain How plain it should be Jesus Christ came to heel and to set free Not for us to condemned or accuse To It to rebuke the hands of the putrid Filthy hateful demons that Trap our brothers Rape our daughters Strangle our children Render them helpless It's our job to save them Not help the enemy destroy them With our long fingers pointing crookedly at their faces Our face speaks hate as we flip through the pages Bible well used especially when we pick and choose the right scriptures that we use to accuse them They are lost Your brother my brother But what do we care Our actions should speak but we let silence take hold and mold our minds Everyone is sinful No on can say differently Why let the truth be quenched Why let the truth be drowned out by the loud voice of silence Stop abusing our rights as righteous beings And do what the Lord says Stop Being accusers of the brotheren Instead Raise your voice over the silence that consumes us And in return Condemn them

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