Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 337

I’m glad I have you in my life
As it is you who does complete me
The two of us merge & converge
So nicely and neatly

With you by my side
There’s nothing that could beat me
The devil could swing and scream
But he will never defeat me!

The two of us walk
Together we walk proudly and yet discreetly
It is by your love
I have the power to stand firm so concretely

My foundation is your love
Because it is you who makes me
The winds may blow violently
But the storm could never take me

I stand by you firmly
Because you don’t forsake me
You took me as I was
When no one else would dare to take me

I recognize that you love me
And to you, no one could ever replace me
I love you with all my heart
And I pray I will never disgrace thee!

We are bonded by our love
So I can not desecrate thee
I love you so much
Because you choose not to hate me

I don’t speak kind words
Just to try to mentally inflate you
I speak factually truthful
Because you deserve for me to elevate you!

You give me reason to awaken
On a regular and daily basis
God blessed me with you
As you are my earthly oasis

We have gone to and fro
To the worst and best of places
God has been there by our sides
When we had frowns or smiles upon our faces

I'm happy to know a woman like you
For you make me a better man every moment
I cherish every second of our marriage
Every smile you offer, I grab it and tightly I hold it

Your character
Is something I could never try to mold
I want us to be forever
And never have either our hearts turn cold

You made me better
In so many ways more than could be said
You are in my thoughts and my prayers
Every second, even as I lay in bed

I thank God He blessed me
Especially in the method in how we met
He smiles at me through you
And through your laughter, is how the sun does set

We definitely have our moments
In which we both do get upset
But I take it all in stride now
So I no longer let myself fret

So please just know this
More than anything you may have ever known
It’s by your love and diligence with me
That as a man, father, and husband, is how I have grown!


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