lyrics_Poetry | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
I love the skin i am in.

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Part #1



Views: 338
We was having so much fun at the party. We danced, we laughed. Luke was your best friend yall grew up together both of yall didn't have stable homes nor fathers yall had eachother, but on that Friday night our lives changed forever. Luke got into a confrontation with someone. He beat up a dude in front of everyone that spilled red wine on his white pants. Dude came back and shot him in the head. Trey was beyond devastated. Not only he lost a brother he lost a part of himself. Five years later me and trey was still together, got married,We had a son name king nick name was luke. Over the years trey had became very protective over me and his son. It was so bad i was afraid. Monday, i left with my girl to hang out get away from everything. We went to the movies. I left luke with trey's close friends Darnell and liz. They was like his aunt and uncle. They grew on us. Darnell was trey mentor that took him in After luke died. I remember it was still early we arrived at the movies because i could still see the light. Movie ended it was great i really needed that. I wasn't ready to go in just yet so we went to dinner. A little bar on main street. My phone died, but i didn't think nothing of it. I knew king was good and i knew trey was getting off work he would understand he knew i needed this. Trey has he's own record company that was very successful. He tried to call me, but my phone went straight to the voicemail. First thing that popped in his mind was that i was with another man. I always kept my phone on, i always answer it. Dark came i was still out having a nice time. Trey was furious! So he started looking for me. Trey knew people around our city. No one wanted to mess with him they knew he was crazy, especially after luke got shot....

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