The thought of her clouds my mind
I am taken back in time whenever I catch a whiff of that similar scent
She had never felt loved, hugged, or genuinely touched
Her walls were reinforced
Her lips imprisoned the word love
Her trained aggression propelled any oncoming force
But her presence was like Katrina banging on the levies
Her beauty overshadowed her rage
But her rage kept her trapped in an internal cage
Her autumn brown eyes begged for comfort
Her days were short
While her nights were an eternity
Secrets of generational hate stirred within her home
I could tell she wanted to be rescued
But the wrong heroes appeared at her side
It was 1, then 2, then 3, then there was none
I made my way through the wolves
Spoken words of peace liberated her soul
Her walls dropped like Jericho
Her smile broke that chain that once kept her feelings tucked away
She was alive
Blossomed like a concrete rose stretching to the skies
What good is a bird that can’t fly?
What good is a heart that can’t love?
I jump started her heart with unconditional love
Now she is pure like angelic doves