Jspring | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Book of blank pages.



Views: 469

 I'm at the end of another chapter of a book with blank pages. I've been letting my faith ink each word into a paragraph which soon turns to chapters and I've come to the last few sheets. Throughout each chapter I was warned by many that the ink would soon dry out. I began to focus closely on the words that was written and it seem true the farther I was in the book the lighter the ink grew. I became stressed and depressed, questing was this story really meant for me, suddenly I heard a voice but no one I could reach. The voice  spoke with such deep comfort and said, "my son there's no need to wonder 'I'm the narrator of your journey and  I've been with you through the contents of your beginning" but it's true the ink is getting lighter by the chapter and I understand I'm close to the end but should the end feel like a disaster. "Understand my child that I'm creating a novel that others should read and relate to your story that will soon give you glory of gold, see at the beginning the words were dark and so was your road,but you've allowed your faith to enlighten your mind so bright that now in your words it show. Suddenly I realized that my ink wasn't drying at all it was slowly filtering out all the negative. So I'm at another chapter of a book with blank pages that will one day inspire the world.EVOLVE

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Myactionspeak says:

Interesting piece, I like it.

nduguman says:

I must Agree

Jay Beach says:

Dang. This was a very interesting poem. Loved the ending as well. Great read.

love_supreme says:

This was an interesting write. Its an interesting look at things.

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