lyrics_Poetry | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
I love the skin i am in.

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What's Life?



Views: 322

What's life? I don't know it anymore. I'm unhappy, I'm sad, I'm mad. I forgot how to love. I forgot how to treat a man with respect. I forgot my worth. I forgot my ability to speak, to learn. Could this be a after effect of me doing wrong i always said to myself i wanted a relationship like Nia long. Is it ok to be confused at my age? Is it ok to always be in range? How do i figure out life? How do i continue living it? I forgot the meaning of living life to the fullest, i forgot knowing from right and wrong hell just leave me alone i forgot. What's life?

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Nice vexing is forgiving ourselves and others....ONE

lyrics_Poetry says:

Thank you.

LP45 says:

very good work. and i agree with 2b2b2, life is very forgiving. Thank you for sharing.

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