sonofsun5211 | Poetry Vibe
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Ah... Better...

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Why Dream?


Views: 464

Why should I have a dream

like Martin Luther King

to be free

when i live in a free nation?

It's more like a location

of segregation and discrimination,

killing me softly

and deading my dedication.

But this is my declaration

of independence;

"Live alone.

Born alone.

Fly alone.

Die alone."

I'm alone.

Please fix my fixation.

The need for

the intergration

of the population

has got me achin'.

Why hasn't it been made

instead of being in the making?

Are we forsaken?

I'm shaken by the thought,

because freedom can be taken,

but it can not be bought.



But always saught.

Running from oppresion

somehow we get caught.


And freedom can't seem to find me.

Shinig my lights of knowledge,

but the darkness is blinding.

Binding me to complacentness,

but I don't even like this place.

It's really not a competition

so why do they call it race

in the first place?

That's the worst case scenario.

Ask some their type

and they will just say stereo

but they are very slow.

Ignorant to the vastness

of the fastness

of the changing

of the times.

You may change what's mine

but won't change my mind

I'm only trying

to make change.

Will you be part of the problem,

or who helps me change things?

No longer will I be treated foul

just because of their morality.

I'm trying to change Dr. King's Dreams

into reality,



Why Dream?...



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