Dreka | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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I, Extraterrestrial



Views: 276

In the beginning.

I was formed.

From a gore seed stomach.

Bled purple ramseed and german gue.

That metal hammer. The liquid got rusted.

I became infected.

An enemy to the lining of the stomach.

It's sickning was guilted. Strenthned.

Shut and close. Gooz like simmered grease.

It burned like the smell of molten harshwood.

Pushed. I was in a tube. With the silk lining of seeds.

Still on me.

My long skined hair grew long.

I was dumped.

Experiment of worthlessness.

They say I was a child of Octopunian and the female trait of knowlege.

But the dump did not kill the soul.

It was alive.

And I ran and grew.

And my instincs are of painful mating and goreful love.

Though my innocence glow.


I, Extraterrestrial.


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliance.....well done....Bravo!
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Brilliant flow!

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Dreka says:

thx yaw

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