“Get a Real job!”
“Respectable job”
Now that’s the biggest joke I ever heard!
Really! What is a “real job” exactly?
They say it’s something you should get after you finish school,
They say it’s something that is easy to get,
They also say it’s more respectable.
Like a teacher, an accountant, or a postal worker.
Sometimes, you don’t get respect from a “respectable job”
Your parents always give advice, but not on how get the job
In the 21st century!
It’s not the same old job application and interview process.
It’s seems like the want you to have that job than YOU wanting that job for yourself.
No matter the interview the same question is always asked:
“Why do YOU want the job?”
Can’t really think of good answer or lie.
You feel utterly worthless when can’t even get a job at a fast food joint
Or even a regular 9-to-5.
So, the definition of a “real job” is something that is not what it seems is anymore.