EmpressRee | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Poetry is the calling of the soul

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Searching for Hope



Views: 404

Wallowing in the mud of confusion 

How can I grow when my roots are being choked by society's greed?

When where I lay my head is the very same place my sister was condemned 

For being who she had no control over being...

Dark skinned

With hair that reaches the skies like antennas

But sad to say she couldn't read her forecast because the cloud of hatred seeped over 

Dense from all the emotions

Enveloping all whom was in reach 

All for being whom God made her to be

Herself; gentle soul with kind eyes

Which turned to sad eyes the day she was told that she was nothing 

Who was there to tell her otherwise. to brush away the tears of confusion and breathe the breath of wisdom and love

Living in a time where it's easier to stay hidden then to be heard 

Who knows themselves anymore?

Like truly? 

It takes self love and self recognition to understand the ways of the world 

Seeing through stain-glass lenses 

Broken bits and pieces 

Fragmented from all the over use of the word 



How am I to grow when I'm being choked by societies hatred and fear of the unknown on a collective level? 

How can I un-cast this spell of lies 

So that we can see a better tomorrow? 

Unmask true intentions 

Changing fear into understanding 


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