EmpressRee | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 2
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Poetry is the calling of the soul

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Alone in My Thoughts



Views: 341

Alone in my thoughts 

Sometimes I can't stand the loudness

It brings

Feelings of not being understood

Not being cared about enough to find out my truths


People always want something from me

Get that J-O-B

Finish school

Conform to what others want 

But what about what I want 


The girl writing this poem

Don't my wants matter!?


What if Im still trying to figure it out! 

Do I want to be that counselor 

Or community leader

Do I need your piece of paper to classify my smarts!?


I'm tired 

I'm frustrated and I just want to call it all quits 

But I can't 

I have my daughter

She looks up to me 

I can't 

I won't let her down 


Something needs to change 

Something has to give 

Living shouldn't be so complicated 


I must find a way back to self 

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Very easy write to relate to. I enjoyed reading it.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Excellent.....Always when all else fails or is failing.....do you boo!!! ONE....thanks for sharing

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Contest Winner  

Empressree says:

Thank you!!

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