Princess Bre | Poetry Vibe
Princess Bre
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hi guys

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Where were you



Views: 269

Where were you when my dad died at the age of three. I did not see you. Where were you when I sat at the top of the stairs screening thinking my dad was coming but never showed up.
I could not feel you. Where were you when I needed a hug. I could not hear you. Where were you when I could not sleep at night. You said I am right here. Where were you when I cried all night. You said lean on me. Where were you when I felt lost and alone. You whispered in my ear and said ill never leave you nor forsake you. Where were you when I needed those encouraging words with my back against the wall feeling like 
Im nobody. But you were there and you told me to trust you and never doubts me.2014©

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Tru_Starr_ says:

Very nice piece!!

Princess Bre says:

thank you

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