Devonte7638 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
I've been gone for a while now im back

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  brigadier general
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Views: 325
Admire Gazed at your beauty from afar As astronomers look at a star I see more than shown by mere eyes Your magnificence goes beyond the skies To quote the old, you're my sweet lady fare My heart, the east, you, the sun's glare The puts me in a love thats blind To have you means there's no more to find In passing we share an intimate glance I feel like our souls, for a moment, share a dance Then our ways slowly begin to part Adding to the memories im my heart Residing far but close enough in the background As your knight who will always be around You're what i desire, my fire, lifting me hire Unfortunately, for now, all i can do is admire

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DallasCowgirl says:

This us pure! Nice write.

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