The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 462000
contest winner 16
contest winner
lightness in the dark
If you're reading this you're it, get with it stay with it don't quit.

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Times up



Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 401

time can go from being a lot 

to not enough not much time

time rewinds reminding us that

we have so little time to go 

time is not fast nor is time too slow

we have to catch up to time

time can be hard to follow 

we have time to live and pass away

time for rebirth back in love again

time for sitting it out and time

to get back into the game

we have time and more time

to remain but no time for

waking up and doing the same 

there is always time to change

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

I view time differently, but I dig this content...Get up, get out and do somethin! Must share. Peace

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Belindathapoet says:

Good Job

DallasCowgirl says:

And we do have to catch up to time. It's never too fast, never too slow. It's only perfect. And as long as we have time, we have time to change. WizeDom speaks.

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Wize Dom for real....thank you.....ONE

mrmelody7 says:

Hate folks who waste my time, right on time with this timeless piece

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