Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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As difficult as it may be
I can much more clearly see
Who I was designed and am meant to be

Meant to become
Second to none
Become Gods human straight line
Communicate through direct rhyme
Seeking the divine mind of the Son

I’m still supposed to seek eternal repose
Not self impose or create many a prose
Being the pro that I be
I can now see and understand how God flows

For He flows like the rivers of Sudan
Like the blood of His son when he chose to become a man
He lived
Just so that He could love & forgive
He had my many sins forgiven
And now a better life I’m living
No longer am I bedridden

In depression
I’ve learned so many lessons
Most of them were blessings

I have always sought to achieve
But little did I know that Satan deceived
And best believe
In Hope and Love
Only divine beauty is seen

By lights that shine from up above
And like the flight of a dove
I am no longer flighty nor am I hesitant
I would love the opportunity for us to have met again

I know it seems difficult to believe in the Greatest Passion
As it’s our natural human response, a sad reaction
Knowing He gave up His life, to save but a fraction

Knowing the end from the beginning
And who exactly would choose to continue sinning
At the end the battle is won and the war is praised
Because a remnant are the ones who will be winning

No metaphorical appeal in this rhyme shall I spew
I am speaking in plain language to try to get to all of you
I know God speaks through me as I am only His instrument
He has shown me my future
Even but by mere increments

Its highly detrimental to ignore the words of the savior
To go to Christ as you are
No need to try to correct your own behavior

He takes you as you are
And also loves you as such
He proved it by dieing on the cross
Yep, now that’s exactly how much!

He doesn’t coerce or try to impede on your goals or visions
But whispers in hopes you listen to his desired provisions
He offers His love, His grace ,and peace of mind in a world of such turmoil
You could listen and hate as your blood does start to boil
Or you could graciously accept Him and have your pride to just coil

Unfurl your desire to be loved with no condition
And pray daily to the father in His name make it tradition

A good habit to form is to have many daily prayers
And fill them with your hopes and your dreams fill them up with layers
Ball it up and cry and plead to the Heavenly Father
And don’t listen to the serpent
Who is whispering, “Why should you even bother”?

He is the father of lies who your soul he hatefully does despise
And the last thing he desires
Is to hear your cries go flying up to the skies

There is more power in Him who dwells in you which is Christ
If His gift of salvation you accepted
The devil is so deceptive
He will make you consistently try to reject it

But don’t do so, just so you know
God loves you as He has a great future planned and that is destined
He is transparent with His love and His desires
He doesn’t walk or talk in methods clandestine

Just repent and ask Him to give you the strength to walk upright
Don’t give up no matter how much you feel that you have to fight
He only allows us as much as we can handle a burden
But He is always there for any moment you are hurting!

Even when its difficult, please believe and praise Him
Because His love is eternal
So boldly forsake sin and Satan
For they can make your mind a living inferno!


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