Poetic08' | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13400
contest winner
lightness in the dark
It good see a few of old poet still producing beautiful work, keep it Kings

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Unconditional love



Views: 442

From the moment our soul touch ,love became a journey fill with endless passion , you became the life that run all through my body giving it much life to the point of no return .....those i breath i can't loose life ......for am reminded of your present as if the universe could not exist without traces of your being , as life became a scenario your love ......became unconditional love and as life made it present known ,you made your all i need to wealther this storm call life......cause it truly dosen't begin or end with i love u , nor do it end when some of your beauty begin to fade or your form begin to reshap itself ,love is truly unconditional love.

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DallasCowgirl says:

I liked it to the point where I wish there was more to read. I wish it was longer....


LP45 says:

Good work. I agree with UnderHis Wings7, wished it was longer. Keep writing.

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