SupHomeboi | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26300
contest winner 1
contest winner
It's been a while since I've been on here and spoke my mind, heart and soul. Feels good as always.

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  4 star general
Total poems   114
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I Can't



Views: 249

I can't make it without you

I can't make it on my own

I can't do this by myself

I can't do this alone

Accept all the responsibility

Take all the blame

Carry all the baggage

Harbor all the pain

Hurt all the time

Cry all the tears

Weather all the storms

Confront all the fears

Ask all the questions

Have all the answers

Solve all the problems

Deal with all the pressures

I just can't


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xclusive says:

If only we could. Nice write

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Contest Winner  

Suphomeboi says:

Thx much love

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DallasCowgirl says:

I usually don't feel "end rhyme" poems, but this one is an exception. You broke that down like a sermon, bruh.

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