If you really love me
Please don't judge me
Please just trust me
Even though that's hard to do
Knowing the fact that I've cheated on you
Baby I'm deeply sorry I apologize
For all the games and all the lies
Before you cut ties
Please calm down and realize
How low I feel inside
I don't expect you to let this slide
And you shouldn't
Because I know I wouldn't
If the tables was turned
And I was the one burned
In the crossfire of desire
I'm not much of a cryer
But if that's what it takes
To prove how sorry I am
Then I'll cry rivers and lakes
My pride doesn't give a damn
I played in the dirt
Yet you ended up hurt
I'd give you my word but that lost its worth
I feel like the biggest scum on this earth
And I have only myself to blame
For inflicting this pain
We had something
And I've traded that for nothing
Exactly what she meant
I can't even say it was an accident
But more like a mistake
I promise never to make
Ever again
Especially with your best friend