SupHomeboi | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26300
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It's been a while since I've been on here and spoke my mind, heart and soul. Feels good as always.

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Her Best Friend



Views: 310

If you really love me

Please don't judge me

Please just trust me

Even though that's hard to do

Knowing the fact that I've cheated on you

Baby I'm deeply sorry I apologize

For all the games and all the lies

Before you cut ties

Please calm down and realize

How low I feel inside

I don't expect you to let this slide

And you shouldn't

Because I know I wouldn't

If the tables was turned

And I was the one burned

In the crossfire of desire

I'm not much of a cryer

But if that's what it takes

To prove how sorry I am

Then I'll cry rivers and lakes

My pride doesn't give a damn

I played in the dirt

Yet you ended up hurt

I'd give you my word but that lost its worth

I feel like the biggest scum on this earth

And I have only myself to blame

For inflicting this pain

We had something

And I've traded that for nothing

Exactly what she meant

I can't even say it was an accident

But more like a mistake

I promise never to make

Ever again

Especially with your best friend

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DallasCowgirl says:

Oh wow... that end tho! Very poetic

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