Poetic08' | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13400
contest winner
lightness in the dark
It good see a few of old poet still producing beautiful work, keep it Kings

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Views: 374
You've given me the strength to move pass you without a second thought and in the process you given me what i couldn't finding before , my gifts .....yes you were a challenge .....every step of the way but even those i stumble , my spirit brought me back , like a lion who has been cage for far to long ,i give you back the fight of all fight until there no life left in me , you'll know my true desire as every heart beat fuse this fight .....you'll know Mr or Ms ,Situation that am beyond your normal victims ,situation

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lyrics_Poetry says:

Very good write. Keep it up.

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DallasCowgirl says:

This is beautiful!

Contest Winner  

Alexiscoon4135 says:

Excellent write!

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